The Alumni Chapter of NDLS promotes and supports the goals of the North Dakota Leadership Seminar by providing leadership opportunities for the members of the NDLS Alumni. The officer team plans both summer and winter excursions, distributes the newsletter, coordinates the State Day of Service, and organizes several other fundraising and service opportunities throughout the year. To become part of this amazing team get involved and most importantly attend excursions. Elections are held annually at the summer excursion. The alumni are overseen by NDLS veterans and current board members Dustin Whitney, Hailey Scharmer, and Haley Beeter.

(Back Row, L to R): Keira Rambousek, Caleb Shafer, Reiley Staggs, Blake Hanson, Kebba Beach, Annelise Klein
(Front Row, L to R): Anna Palmer, Alena Hall, Triniti Gregg, Susannah Schwantes
Alumni Officers
Blake Hanson, Co-Chair (Two-Year)
Reiley Staggs, Co-Chair (One-Year)
Kebba Beach, Director of Merchandising
Annelise Klein, Secretary
Triniti Gregg, Director of Service
Susannah Schwantes, Director of Fundraising
Kiera Rambousek, Director of Public Relations
Anna Palmer, State Board Representative
Caleb Shafer, State Board Representative
Alena Hall, Newbie-at-Large